Big Brain, Little Brain: How to Control Which One Speaks for You

Late Night Health
Late Night Health
Big Brain, Little Brain: How to Control Which One Speaks for You

In Big Brain, Little Brain: How to Control Which One Speaks for You, Kevin Thomas McCarney shares his insights into the two major guiding forces that decide how we react or respond in any given situation – and ultimately define our reputation and relationships with others. He offers an arsenal of tools plus seven principles to help anyone keep their primal brain in check and consistently practice thoughtful communication.

Kevin Thomas McCarney is a successful entrepreneur who spent several decades managing customer and employee relations across a wide range of industries and organizations. He is the founder of the Poquito Más restaurants. McCarney has been a guest speaker at the USC Marshall School of Business, the UCLA Anderson School of Business, and Woodbury University, among many universities and colleges, as well as numerous high schools, business organizations, and civic associations.

He joins us for a discussion today to show how we can develop an awareness of the forces that activate the primal brain and strategies to prevent falling under their influence; how to find one’s Neutral, the internal gear between the reptilian urge to react, and the ability to respond thoughtfully; techniques on how to avoid the impulsive to cut people off or continually fact-check their statements; and how to master the art of giving compliments and spreading good gossip.

As McCarney stresses in Big Brain, Little Brain, each moment of communication offers an opportunity to make a positive impact and secure your legacy – rather than hurt others and create messes to clean up.
