De-Escalate: The Power of Emotional Listening

Masters of Dispute Resolution
Masters of Dispute Resolution
De-Escalate: The Power of Emotional Listening

Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA, left a successful career as a trial lawyer to become a peacemaker. His calling is to serve humanity, and he executes his calling at many levels. He is an award-winning author, teacher, trainer, and highly experienced mediator. Doug’s work carries him from international work to helping people resolve deep interpersonal and ideological conflicts to training life inmates to be peacemakers and mediators in maximum-security prisons. His fourth book, De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less, was published by Beyond Word Publishing in September 2017. De-Escalate is now in four languages and in its second printing. He is the co-founder of Prison of Peace and creator of the Noll Affect Labeling System. In 2012, Doug was honored by California Lawyer Magazine as California Attorney of the Year. In this episode, Doug tells the story of a divorced couple engaged in a dispute ostensibly about the use of money that had been in a trust fund, how their emotions had escalated the conflict, and the discovery of the power of affect labeling not only to resolve their dispute but also to change people’s lives.

In addition, Doug Noll is the author of Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (Prometheus Books, April 2011), winner of the Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) International Peace and Justice Book Award for 2011; Sex, Politics & Religion at the Office: The New Competitive Advantage (Auberry Press 2006), with John Boogaert; and Peacemaking: Practicing at the Intersection of Law and Human Conflict (Cascadia 2002); and numerous articles on peacemaking, restorative justice, conflict resolution, and mediation. He is a mediator trainer, lecturer, and continuing education panelist, and, as an adjunct faculty member of the Pepperdine School of Law Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, teaches The Psychology of Conflict Communication and Decision Making in Conflict.

Doug has many interests and vocations. He is a PSIA Level III ski instructor, a second-degree black belt and tai chi master, a whitewater rafter, a fly fisherman, a jazz violinist, and a folk fiddler. He flies airplanes and helicopters and runs a backhoe like a pro. If you are lucky enough to be in his kitchen, be prepared for sumptuousness. Doug learned how to code in 1969 and has been a technology early adaptor since.

Doug Noll makes his home in the central Sierra Nevada of California, south of Yosemite and west of Kings Canyon-Sequoia National Parks, with his wife, Aleya.

To contact Doug, visit his website at, by email at, or by phone at (800) 785-4487.


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