Is America Healthy?

Late Night Health
Late Night Health
Is America Healthy?


Our successful journey to building a healthy society requires access to quality food, dietary supplements, personal care products, and other goods and services that can transform lives without degrading our natural resources. Todd Harrison, President of the organization visits with Mark Alyn on this edition of Late Night Health.

Our Vision: A vital and resilient world that honors our resources and our shared future.

Consumers are speaking with their wallets, purchasing quality goods, services, and food that reflect both their healthcare needs and a desire to protect the Earth.

Responsible businesses and enterprises are rapidly responding to consumer demand, enabling well-informed choices, embracing sustainable practices, adopting business practices that value transparency, traceability and continuous improvement, and building product lines tailored to the unique and varied needs and preferences of their customers.

Our Mission: Unite consumers and corporations and transform business practices in alignment with regenerative systems to support the health of people and planet.

Through a unique partnership between companies and consumers, the Organic & Natural Health Association (O&N) brings together raw ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, finished product companies, retailers and consumer organizations to promote and advance the health and well-being of people, animals and plants, and the planet.

O&N is accomplishing its mission – in partnership with our members and in support of their success – by advancing research to redefine how health care is delivered, providing quality education to inform and empower conscious consumer choice, and advocating for meaningful public policy to improve consumer health and support the health and resiliency of the planet.
