Leave No Stone Unturned: The Value of Tenacity to the Mediation Process

Masters of Dispute Resolution
Masters of Dispute Resolution
Leave No Stone Unturned: The Value of Tenacity to the Mediation Process

Warrior-turned-peacemaker Daniel Ben-Zvi, a “Distinguished Fellow” of the International Academy of Mediators and one of The Hollywood Reporter’s 32 “Power Mediators Worldwide,” has mediated over 3,000 cases in his 20-year career as a litigator. In his discussion with Len, Mr. Ben-Zvi provides insights to attorneys on how tenacity and zealous advocacy are most effectively utilized in mediation. His useful tips will be of great value to anyone involved in the mediation process.

Daniel Ben-Zvi (pronounced “BenzVee”) is a respected mediator and arbitrator with ADR Services, Inc. Since 1995, he has mediated more than 3,000 disputes with highly successful results. Admitted to five State and Federal Bars, Mr. Ben-Zvi draws on 20 years of experience as a multi-state trial lawyer to resolve complex disputes. This “warrior-turned-peacemaker”, as The Daily Journal describes him, brings a unique blend of persistence and creativity to ending bitterly fought lawsuits.

Mr. Ben-Zvi co-authored a book, Inside the Minds–Alternative Dispute Resolution, and writes articles and lectures on dispute resolution. His creativity even led him to be a writer on the television show L.A. Law. Mr. Ben-Zvi’s guiding principle as a mediator is “The mediation opportunity should be effectively exhausted, with no stone left unturned.” He has mediated and arbitrated on the panels of ADR Services, Inc., AAA, ARC, World Intellectual Property Organization, and DB Mediation & Arbitration Services since 1995.

To learn more about Daniel Ben-Zvi, please refer to his website at or contact his Case Manager at ADR Services, Inc. at (213)683-1600.
