Tech and Equity Investing

IN S03 E06(1)
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Tech and Equity Investing

In today’s episode, Dr. David Kelly is joined by Manish Goyal from J.P. Morgan Asset Management, who has over 25 years of investment experience in the tech industry and manages strategies that focus on digital evolution and innovation. The pandemic accelerated years of technological adoption and innovation, with strides made in the digitization of the consumer, integration of enterprise IT, and a massive migration of business, communication, and recreation to online platforms. As we look past the pandemic to a new normal, what are the drivers for technology from here? How can productivity continue to accelerate for businesses and workers? With valuations of Tech at levels not seen since the Tech Bubble, are asset prices for tech inflated? Are the recent regulatory actions from the Chinese government a part of a broader global trend that could pose a threat to Big Tech? Finally, where are the best opportunities for investors today?
