The Secret Faces of Alzheimer’s

Lisa Skinner_book cover(1)
Late Night Health
Late Night Health
The Secret Faces of Alzheimer's

So many families are greatly impacted by Alzheimer’s disease and are desperately in need of help and guidance. Currently, in the United States, there are over 6 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease. Today, someone in the U.S. develops Alzheimer’s disease every 66 seconds. Based on that, by the middle of the century, someone in the U.S. will develop the disease every 33 seconds and as many as 13 million people could be afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. by 2050 if a cure is not found, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Additionally, the World Health Organization recently published their new projections for how many people will suffer from Alzheimer’s disease worldwide. Their findings are that 78 million people will develop dementia by 2030, and 139 million by the year 2050. That’s a 40% increase from the estimated number of people worldwide who currently suffer from the disease.

Lisa Skinner –

I am a behavior expert in Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementia. I have been a community counselor, a regional director of senior care facilities, a trainer, speaker, and private adviser helping thousands of families and caregivers understand the daunting challenges of brain disease for over 25 years. I hold a degree in Human Behavior.

I offer counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease, using some real-life examples to help increase understanding. I have also had eight of my own family members afflicted with dementia, so I’ve experienced it from many angles. All of this experience led me to write the new book, Truth, Lies, and Alzheimer’s Disease – Its Secret Faces, available on Amazon, which offers guidance for those who must deal with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. I also regularly write a blog on Facebook titled Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost.
