The Unprincipled Principal

Masters of Dispute Resolution
Masters of Dispute Resolution
The Unprincipled Principal

With over 25 years of experience as a skilled litigator, Steve Sepassi is a highly accomplished professional in handling a wide range of legal matters, including personal injury, school liability, real estate, landlord-tenant, commercial, and insurance cases. Known for his unwavering tenacity and civility, he consistently demonstrates a fair and respectful approach to mediating and resolving disputes, reflecting his successful tenure in private practice. We begin our fourth season with Steve sharing the story of a mediation between a school district and a former student, almost 40 years after a principal entered into a sexual relationship with him, the effect of that molestation, and how the matter was resolved in mediation. This story, hosted by Len Levy, provides valuable insights for anyone involved in conflict.

Following his graduation from the University of Missouri School of Engineering, a doctoral student in Engineering at the University of Southern California, Mr. Sepassi joined Rockwell International Space Division as a software engineer. Later, while running a successful mortgage company, he obtained his law degree and embarked on his legal career.

In addition to his extensive legal experience, Mr. Sepassi brings a deep understanding of business and partnership issues and diverse life experiences that allow him to connect with the disputing parties and find common ground in his mediation practice. He positions himself as the village elder between the disputants, a position that both sides of the bar have come to appreciate and respect.

Steve can be reached at ADR Services, Inc. through his Case Manager, Eve Thorstens at 310.201.0010 or by email at

