Do You Hear That? Employers Facing Rise in OSHA section 11(c) Whistleblower Complaints

Season 01 Episode 25

In recent years, the number of OSHA Whistleblower complaints has been steadily on the rise, but why? In the newest episode of Shoveling Smoke, Frantz Ward Partner Christina Niro joins host Chris Koehler as they discuss current trends, how an OSHA whistleblower complaint gets filed and investigated, and how to prepare for and defend against them.

Host: Christopher C. Koehler Guest: Christina Niro

Labor and Employment Updates in 2023 – A Preview of Frantz Ward’s Annual Labor Seminar

Season 01 Episode 24

The labor and employment fields seem like they’re in a constant state of change. If you’re looking for an update, why not learn from the best? Labor & Employment Practice Group Partner Christina Niro joins host Chris Koehler as she summarizes some of the recent labor and employment updates that will be covered during the firm’s upcoming annual L&E seminar, “Avoiding Panda-monium in the Workplace,” happening June 14, 2023.

Host: Christopher C. Koehler Guest: Christina Niro

Filling the Employment Gap: A Conversation with Team NEO’s Jacob Duritsky

Season 01 Episode 23

As businesses continue to face challenges in locating and retaining employees, it’s clear that a key to the growth and success of Northeast Ohio’s economy is the development of the workforce and talent to fill existing job opportunities and those on the horizon. Team NEO’s Jacob Duritsky joins Frantz Ward’s Chris Koehler to discuss Team NEO’s 2022 Aligning Opportunities Report, which provides data-driven insights into our region’s talent demand/supply gap. We address the results of the research and how businesses and employees can capitalize on those insights to close the gap to make the region more competitive and ensure prosperity for all Northeast Ohioans.

Host: Christopher C. Koehler Guest: Jacob Duritsky

HR Evolved: How Attorneys can Partner with HR Professionals in a Constantly Changing World

Season 01 Episode 22

Human Resources is an ever-changing field and the Pandemic only seemed to demonstrate this further. From updating guidelines, to updating technology, the evolution of HR in the last few years alone is enough to put even the most ardent of HR professionals through the wringer. Now more than ever, HR professionals are relying on their attorneys, both in-house and outside counsel, to partner with them to navigate difficult issues. To help better make sense of it all, Chief People and Human Resources Officer for Equity Trust, Amy Hall, joins the podcast to discuss the change and development of HR functions in 2022 and beyond.

Host: Alannah C. Guy Guest: Amy Hall

Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

Season 01 Episode 21

Will my family be taken care of when I am no longer around? Who will take care of me if I become incapacitated? Although these are questions we often don’t like to consider, the Covid-19 pandemic woke many people up to the need to have an estate plan in place. Frantz Ward attorney Rick Humiston joins the podcast to discuss the basic elements of Estate Planning as well as some additional planning suggestions for business owners.

Host: Alannah C. Guy Guest: Richard C. Humiston

Reading the Fine Print: Making Your Terms and Conditions Match Your Business Goals and Risks

Season 01 Episode 20

As Pete Seeger said, “Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t.” As world events continue to have lingering impacts on the transaction of business, some companies are learning the hard way that their contractual Terms and Conditions don’t align with their current business risks and goals. Terms and Conditions are not “one size fits all,” so it’s important to evaluate them regularly and to tailor them to your company’s current business needs. Frantz Ward attorney Alanna Guy joins the podcast to discuss the foundational elements of partnering with clients to evaluate and negotiate Terms and Conditions.

Host: Christopher C. Koehler Guest: Alannah C. Guy

Business Law Update: A Primer on Ohio’s Revised LLC Act

Season 01 Episode 19

Ohio recently modernized its laws governing limited liability companies through the Revised Limited Liability Company Act. The revised regulations apply to all Ohio limited liability companies, regardless of when organized, making it crucial for Ohio LLCs to understand the changes and their potential impact. Frantz Ward attorney Michael Gibbons joins the podcast to highlight the key changes and the impact those can have on LLCs in Ohio.

Host: Alannah C. Guy Guest: Michael H. Gibbons

Unpacking the Packing: A Perspective on the Efforts to Expand the Supreme Court

Season 01 Episode 18

Controversy regarding the claimed increased partisanship of the U.S. Supreme Court and efforts to change the Court’s makeup by expanding its numbers continues to be in the headlines. So Shoveling Smoke thought it would be interesting to take a historical and constitutional look at how the Court’s number was established, how it has been the subject of threatened changes in the past, and what the Committee established by President Biden had to say about the issue. Frantz Ward partner Greg Farkas joins the podcast to walk us through these issues and give us an idea of the practical pros and cons of what an expansion of the Court might mean.

Host: Michael E. Smith Guest: Gregory R. Farkas

Public-Private Collaboration as a Means to Economic Development – A Blueprint from the Shaker Heights Development Fund

Season 01 Episode 17
Great things can happen when government and the private sector combine forces to address a problem that neither can effectively address on its own. Nick Fedor, Executive Director of the Shaker Heights Development Corporation, joins the podcast to discuss how his organization is doing just that by sponsoring a real estate development fund allowing private investment in order to redevelop an emerging commercial district of Shaker Heights. Frantz Ward attorney Karl May also joins to explain how they were able to navigate the securities and regulatory issues posed by this innovative investment offering.

Host: Christopher C. Koehler Guests: Nick Fedor and Karl E. May

The Basics for Building Your Workforce

Season 01 Episode 16

As a business grows, a very exciting step is adding the company’s first employees, but it is also one that should be very intentional and well-considered. Frantz Ward attorney Megan Bennett joins the podcast to discuss the importance of developing job descriptions, considering the terms “employee” and “independent contractor,” and how to develop policies and procedures to ensure a legally compliant business.

Host: Alanna C. Guy Guest: Megan E. Bennett